Being kind to someone in need is a great act of empathy and kindness. It is one of the most rewardable human qualities. This is a story about a young man caring for his best friend, an elderly lady of 89 years.
The two have been together for the past four years and were inseparable. And Salvatore is the 24-hour caretaker of Cook and her household.
The young man, Chris Salvatore, is 31 years old. His best friend Norma Cook is 89 and in her final days. They are neighbors, and both live in West Hollywood, California. They have been very friendly for the past four years. When the doctors revealed that Cook needed at-home care throughout the day, Salvatore, without hesitation, stepped up to take up the job. From that time onwards, he acted as his primary caretaker.

Salvatore loved his best friend very much and was ready to go to any extent to give her the best care. He is an actor and a singer by profession. He believes that human kindness is one of the most beautiful and magical things that will cure many things that doctors cannot. Cook has Leukaemia. The doctors have given her only a very few days to survive. So, as her best friend, Salvatore was eager to make the rest of her life loved and memorable.
As it was her last days, she stopped continuing her treatment for Cancer. So, it is a matter of good nursing care and mental happiness. Salvatore happily took care of his best friend as one of his responsibilities. He made sure that Cook was comfortable and always at peace. Also, he always took the necessary steps to keep her accompanied, not making her feel lonely. Salvatore was ready to do everything he could to keep her happy during her last few days.

Salvatore met his wonderful neighbor, an interior decorator, when he moved into the same apartment complex four years back. Cook waved to her neighbor who lived across the hall whenever he left the apartment. She could see him going from her kitchen window.
One day, Salvatore decided to chat with Cook. Her welcome was so warm with a glass of champagne. It was a spontaneous friendship and was a lovely beginning of a strong bond. Salvatore, who was in mental agony because of a break-up at that time, was much relieved talking to Cook for hours. She was ready to listen to Salvatore for hours, and it made him feel better. Also, Cook was able to help Salvatore during the most challenging and dark times of his life. The duo started hanging out every day.

The two become close friends very soon. Cook had a lot of gay friends. But many of them passed during the AIDS pandemic. Being gay himself made Salvatore bond with Cook very quickly, as she knew how to move on with similar personalities. They talked about food and fashion a lot.
Cook was diagnosed with Leukaemia 10 years ago. She had no immediate family around and was divorced at 43. She never has children of her own. Salvatore appeared just at a time when her health was rapidly declining. He was indeed her soulmate and best friend.
Cook was in and out of hospital several times last year. But in the previous time. The doctor said that she should have home care throughout the day. If she is not discharged, it is going to be a risk for her declining health. She did not like to go to a nursing home as well. This made Salvatore want to take responsibility for his friend and neighbor.
After that, Salvatore becomes Cook’s power of attorney and primary caretaker. Only a few months were left for Cook to live as the sickness was overpowering her health rapidly. Salvatore even started a fundraising fund to support Cook in covering certain expenses not covered by her insurance.

Salvatore was able to hashtag and upload both of their videos. Many who enjoyed watching the videos were asked to make a generous contribution to them. In a month, Salvatore raised the funds needed to make the cook return to the apartment. She was able to settle in and spend the rest of her life very comfortably there.
Being the best friend and the caregiver is not easy, knowing that she only has a few days left. The emotional bond between the two was so strong. Even though Salvatore is upset about Cook’s declining health, he makes sure not to show his upset emotions, which would make Cook more worried.

Cook is on a breathing machine and can hardly stand, but she is still a fighter. That is what Salvatore loved about her. She is sharp-witted and sassy. Cook always comments on Salvatores clothes if she does not like them. Her personality was just unique.
Cook seemed to be very happy, although she was in declining health. She was eating well and gaining weight. Also, she was solid and understood her situation and death well. She was ok with it, and she accepted her faith. Cook calls her the grandson he never had. They tried to spend as much time as they could. Though they had good and bad days, they had each other to face them with faith. The Hospital nurses visited the apartment twice weekly to check on Cook as she had less than two months to live.
Cooks never like Salvatore being the first person to find her dead. Anyhow, he will be the first. She thought that Salvatore would be crushed and heartbroken. Salvatore tried her best to keep vital for his best friend, which is a tough job.
Salvatore thinks this story would open the eyes of many others regarding friendship and meeting new people who are different. He intends to inspire others to be kind towards strangers and neighbors who may be different from them. Kindness heals. And when you light a lamp for someone, it also lights your path. Age was just a number, not a barrier to this fantastic friendship.
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